New To Medicare?

Get The Simple Step By Step Medicare Checklist So You Can Be Empowered With Exactly What You Need To Do Without The Hassle, Worry And Confusion.

✔️ What to do first so that you are a head of the process and avoid penalty fees.
✔️ What I need to know about choosing a Medicare supplement VS Medicare Advantage.
✔️ What are the possible costs of Medicare and how to keep it to a minimum.

You are either turning 65 or retiring...Now what?!

Step 1:

Let's make sure you have both Part A and Part B to recieve your Medicare ID number. How do you do that? What if I'm not collecting SS yet? What is Part A and Part B?

Step 2:

Let's decide if a Medicare Supplement or a Medicare Advantage is a good fit for you. What's the difference between a Medicare supplement (Medigap) and Medicare Advantage? Which one is better? What are my out of pocket costs?

Step 3:

You figured out if you're going with a Medicare supplement (Medigap) or a Medicare Advantage...So which carrier do I choose for that? Who has the best benefits? What should I be looking at? What's included and are all my doctors and prescriptions covered?

Click the button for the free checklist to get those answers right away.

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